Inspired by Their Customers; Fresh Harvest Switches to Compostable Packaging

“Our customers help hold us accountable to select the most sustainable packaging and are delighted with this transition”

Established in 2015, Fresh Harvest soon became Atlanta’s (Georgia, US) thriving ethical food hub. Their mission is based on five pillars: restorative organic farming, locally grown produce, refugee job creation, food waste alleviation and sustainable packaging. Fresh Harvest has been supplying their eco-minded clients with delicious fresh produce packed in reusable packaging that gets washed and reused every week, at least 364 times! Just a few months ago, Fresh Harvest adopted TIPA’s compostable packaging to extend the shelf life of perishable items while remaining fully eco-friendly.

TIPA® asked Dana Bourke, Fresh Harvest’s Chief Marketing Officer, about the decision to go compostable, the transition process, and what’s next in sustainability for them.

Interview With Dana Bourke – Fresh Harvest

What inspired the decision to go compostable for Fresh Harvest’s packaging?

FH: One of our top values is sustainability. On that mission, we deliver locally harvested, organic produce from Georgia farms <70 miles from our customers in reusable packaging. For the items that have to be portioned and protected in non-reusable packaging during transport, we wanted to use the next best option for the planet. Compostable packaging allows us to protect and extend the life of perishable items like salad greens, while not generating landfill waste.

What were the unique challenges or requirements for FH’s packaging that TIPA was able to solve?

FH: We have experimented with compostable packaging in the past to solve these challenges but customers were dissatisfied due to a fishy smell that originated from inside the bags. TIPA’s bags are also wonderful because we can add our messaging and logo to educate the customers on how to properly dispose of them.

How has the transition from conventional to compostable packaging been from the production and distribution side?

FH: The operational transition to compostable packaging should not cause any additional labor. We are going to offer to our customers, who don’t compost at home, the option to rinse and return all of our compostable packaging in their reusable bin each week and we will handle the proper disposal on their behalf to ensure they don’t end up in a landfill if possible.

How has your audience responded to the decision of going compostable?

FH: We hear from customers every day who want to live ‘plastic free’ and use our services because they can’t find fresh produce from the grocery store that isn’t covered in plastic. Our customers help hold us accountable to select the most sustainable packaging and are delighted with this transition.

Do you have any upcoming plans to incorporate the use of more compostable materials in your production line?

FH: We are on our way to becoming plastic free with this transition. Our next priority is encouraging and equipping our vendors and artisans to also select compostable packaging for their products.

Is your company looking for sustainable, compostable packaging for fresh produce?

Learn more about TIPA’s innovative packaging solutions for fresh produce here.

NEW! TIPA’s compostable packaging
for fresh produce in stock offering for small quantities.

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