Mission-Based YogaLyte Launches First Compostable Stick Packs

“Our electrolytes restore and revitalize the body before or after strenuous activity, such as hot yoga, and we’re launching the first compostable stick pack,” Louise Sanseau, founder of YogaLyte, said proudly.

“As a mission-based company, we are committed to offering high quality, pure, and ethically sourced supplements,” she continued. “We are committed to serving the planet and eliminating our waste from contaminating our oceans and land. Our packaging is fully compostable so that at its end of life, there will be zero waste.”

Stick pack first

“I haven’t seen compostable stick packs anywhere,” Louise said. “We had to invent or figure out how to create that technology with TIPA to make the stick packs, which was quite fun once we found the co-packer that could integrate the material into their machine!”

“Right now, we have two products, Hydrate and Coconut. Hydrate is our balanced electrolyte powder, with no extra ingredients added. It is simple, effective, and more performance-based than our 100% organic, botanical Coconut product,” Louise elaborated. “Hot Yoga is an extreme environment. The room is 105 degrees Fahrenheit and 50% humidity. Students sweat a lot and sometimes they become dehydrated. At my hot yoga studio, Inversion Yoga located in Jackson Hole WY, we carry electrolytes to uphold safety in our classes and we give them away all the time to students.”

“We got into the supplement industry because we didn’t like our electrolyte options. We wanted a basic, simple, and pure electrolyte powder and we wanted to know where the ingredients came from,” Louise continued. “Once we figured out our sourcing and ingredients, we were stuck on the packaging. The abhorrent amount of waste we consume with our flexible packaged goods became an issue from which we could not look away. Stick packs are wonderful for single use servings in hot yoga or for trail running, cycling, skiing, climbing, or traveling.  In Jackson Hole, WY, at high elevation, 6,237’, while performing extreme sports, we often consume electrolytes to help stay hydrated. After 3 years of exploration and innovation, we are proud to be working with TIPA and offering a compostable stick pack with pure electrolytes to those who want to decrease their waste and increase their performance.”

Compostable packaging is necessary

“We can only be as happy as our environment and our community,” said Louise passionately. “We must take care of both. The technology now exists to eliminate plastic waste. It’s unjustifiable that there are islands of waste expanding in our oceans. We can do better. We’re in it to change the packaging industry, to serve the planet and do good along the entire production path.”

Compostable packaging is as close as we can come to that. It is currently the best option for flexible packaged goods,” she said, adding, “It would be wonderful if every city had a municipal composter. Right now, they don’t; but, hopefully, these will come. We compost at home, at the studio, and at the office. Hopefully, the technology will develop so that in the future backyard composting won’t take as long for compostable packaging.”

Composting at home and at work

“Getting into the Natural Food Consumer Packaged Goods industry changed the way I shop, cook, think about waste, and live. I now take responsibility for the waste I create,” said Louise. “I only purchase ingredients from the bulk bins at the grocery store and I bring my own jars and bags. I do not purchase anything that I cannot recycle, compost, or reuse for a long time.”

“At home, I have a compost pile in my backyard. At work, we started a backyard barrel roll compost,” she continued. The compost will be put to good use. “There’s a plot of land that we’re going to be able to do a little gardening on this spring. We’re planning to turn our compost soil into that for a community garden,” Louise explained.

Meeting TIPA

“At the first Expo, I went to … I guess it was 2015 Expo West, there was this huge buzz in the show about compostable, Louise recalled. “I was like, ‘Great, I can get into this field because there’s this option for my packaging.’ I was really inspired by the discussions and, so I went back to Expo West last year, specifically looking for packaging for YogaLyte. That’s when I found Elz Hotam, vice president sales for TIPA.”

“I really like the company,” said Louise. “I think that companies like TIPA are doing everything they can to be as sustainable as they can, in an environment when there’s not yet a consumer demand for better and more sustainable products across the board.”

“We’re only aligning with people that are intrinsically walking the walk and talking the talk.,” Louise concluded. “I’m super excited that TIPA seems to be super green.”


If you want to know how TIPA can help your business go down the green path too, we would love to hear from you here!


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